Who we Are & What we Believe In

Familismo, Inc. is a Pan-American company1 that believes social and economic Democracy should be available to all people of Mexico, the United States and Canada as one American People. Our Founders’ families are Native & Mexican-American and Irish, French and other Immigrant families that came to America through Canada & the U.S. to find social and economic freedom for their families. This is true for most Americans; embraced by the best, denied by the worst. We know American borders exist solely for geopolitical reasons, and that they do not represent the realities of millions of Americans whose families already live in two if not three of our American “states”.

Our goal is to create the first premium cultural brand exclusively for American working families, a brand that honors them for their virtues, with products that go from restoring social mobility to American working families then help generate real wealth through their communities across America.

We believe in original democratic principles of human freedom, more plainly:

“That each of us should be free to think, to speak, to write, to paint, to create, to marry, to eat and drink what we want, to start and run a business, to associate with others as we choose… The social consequences of freedom are equally desirable. Freedom leads to social harmony. We have less conflict when we have fewer specific commands and prohibitions about how we should live—in terms of class or caste, religion, dress, lifestyle, or schools…Economic freedom means that people are free to produce and to exchange with others. A free economy gives people incentives to invent, innovate, and produce more goods and services for the whole society. That means more satisfaction of more wants, more economic growth, and a higher standard of living for everyone”.

Most of our team is spread across the U.S. and Mexico, but we’ve members and contributors throughout the world.

Special Thanks to Familismo, Inc’s Contributors & Collaborators:

Luli<br> Rizo Luli
Mayra<br> Orozco Mayra
Gianluca<br> Lopez Gianluca
Victor<br> Chombo Victor
Andy<br> Badella Andy
Alan<br> Molnar Alan
Fernanda<br> Davis Fernanda
Marc<br> Prince Marc

We also believe in the primacy of Family, and by extension, in Community, as a family of families

And that one major advantage the working class has is the power of their community, and solidarity, when organized and entrepreneurial, their communities can provide the key to self-rule and true economic power for its families.

Familismo is the cardinal value of Mexican & Irish Catholicism: dedication, commitment, & loyalty to family.